My account Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmailMake sure to put your email so we can contact you about your $5 in-store credit!Climate Change is real *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeClimate Change has affected me *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeI'm worried about Climate Change and other environmental impacts from humanity *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeShort term economic gains are not as important as the long term planetary preservation *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeOnly Democrats care about the environment *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeI have the power with my voice, my vote, and/or my social presence to participate in the solution *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeI want to buy eco-friendly products *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeI want to help the planet, but don't want to change my lifestyle *Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutral AgreeStrongly agreeI try to be environmentally conscious by... *Sharing with my friends and familyBeing veganBuying eco-friendly productsUsing renewable energyRecyclingPersonal ConsumptionNone of the aboveWould you like to get involved in the movement? *There are many ways to participate. We want to hear from you about how you want to get involved!Additional comments or suggestions about how we can improve?Submit